ssr+ melzargard

Awakened Melzargard (Esper/Monster) [Dragon]

Basic: Deal 2 consecutive strikes to a single target, dealing 120% ATK
Ultimate: Attacks all enemies with 4 consecutive strikes, dealing DMG by 48% Max HP, revives 1 ally with 100% HP after performing [Ultimate] (up to 4 times per battle)
Passive: After any character in its row attacks, triggers [Breakthrough] to the main target, permanently grants [Immunity against Silence] to its entire row

Awaken Passive: When battle begins, grants the entire team 50% Shield Rate, lasts 2 rounds. Triggers [Reborn] after taking fatal damage (When ally is present, recovers 50% HP before action, up to 2 times)

DMG 48% > 64%
Revives ally 1 > 2
Revives up to 4x per battle > 6x
Extreme Passive:
Additional Immunity against Stun
5P Passive:
After any character in its row > Around Melzargard
Awakened 2: 
Shield Rate 50% > 70%
Recovers HP before action up to 2x > 3x

  • [Revive] can be stacked with SSR+ Phoenixman and SSR+ Pig God
  • Revived characters do not get [Specialized Protection] from SSR+ Drive Knight but still can get from their own skills

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