Credits to LanceYT, check out his YouTube at the end!
- Player Level requirement Lv90
- Challenge level stages (higher level give better rewards)
- If you lose you won’t lose your challenge chance or vit, so you can keep trying
- 3 bosses (RMG/AVM/ACK) – Each of them have their own unique clearance rewards, and they cycle every week
- Reward drops will give Gears, Buff Gears and Red Gear material – random on what you will get
- Rank Challenge (Max DMG) rewards
- New Purple Tickets (will have future rate up so save up if not urgent)
Gear Conversion
There are 4 types of Red gear with their own unique set bonus:
- Machine (G4) – ATK and HP+12%
- Drive (DK) – Gains 30% All DMG Free, ATK and HP+10%
- Fiery (MK) – Gains 12% All DMG Boost, SPD+15%
- Ninja (Sonic) – SPD+12%, ATK and HP+10%

Basically when you upgrade an existing orange gear, it will convert into one of the above red gear. Refer to the table below for the mapping. Eg, If you convert a Primal orange gear, it will become Red Gear Drive set. Red gears are backwards compatible with existing orange gear sets, meaning that if you have 3 Primal and 1 Drive, that will still count as 4/4 Primal set, since Drive is converted from Primal. (However of course you will NOT get the red gear set bonus Drive)
Red Gear Set | Orange Gear Set |
Machine | -Lightning -Swordsman -Casual -Gangster -Battle -Martial Arts |
Drive | -Suit -Formal -Primal -Knight |
Fiery | -Flash -Gunner -Magic |
Ninja | -Monk -Prisoner -Scholar |

- Fusion Catalyst – required for red gear conversion
- Energy Binding card – the new gear exp card for red gear

- 3 free challenges per day + 3 purchasable with gems (100 gems each). Reset 5AM. Recommended by Lance to purchase all 3.
- Unit suggestions – Your usual PVE line-up,eg Gale, RMG, CK+, MB+, etc
- Definitely try to finish all 20 levels, as there are first-time clear rewards
- After round 20 (Boss) is where the rankings are tallied
- If you can’t clear round 20 no problem, your damage at that stage will determine your rank so you still get a shot
- There will be daily quests to do so remember to clear them, eg clear stage 3x, 6x, spend 100 vit.
How to Convert?
- Gear must be at least lv90 first – when you upgrade it will 100% refund any investment past lv90, so you don’t have to reset and make it exactly lv90
- To convert you need 1 Red Sketch Blueprint (20 fragments to fuse) and 100 Fusion Catalyst
- Main/Sub stat will stay the same post upgrade, eg if its ATK SPD, it will still be ATK SPD after upgrade

Upgrading Red Gears
There is a new purple SAC called Refinement Card for ascending Red gears. Red gears have a chance to get additional stats, and you can also get a maximum of 3 additional lines of skill/perks (possible to get 0 as well).

Advancement Level | SAC Cost | Benefits |
1 | 3 | Stat Boost |
2 | 6 | Stat Boost |
3 | 12 | Activate Add. Skill Line 1 |
4 | 18 | Activate Add. Skill Line 2 |
5 | 24 | Activate Add. Skill Line 3 |
6 | 32 | Stat Boost |
Gear Set Potential Rolls
Stats | Additional Skill 1 (p3) | Additional Skill 2 (p4) | Additional Skill 3 (p5) |
Potential Stat 1 | Arena DMG Boost | Increase Energy Gauge | Hero/Mons DMG Boost |
Potential Stat 2 | S.ATK Boost | Heal after action | ATK |
Potential Stat 3 | R.ATK Boost | Suicide Explosion | DEF |
Potential Stat 4 | C.ATK Boost | – | HP |
Potential Stat 5 | G.ATK Boost | – | – |
Stats | Additional Skill 1 (p3) | Additional Skill 2 (p4) | Additional Skill 3 (p5) |
Potential Stat 1 | Hero/Mons DMG Free | Emblem Burst | Hero/Mons DMG Boost |
Potential Stat 2 | S.ATK Boost | Group Regen | ATK |
Potential Stat 3 | R.ATK Boost | Splash Damage | DEF |
Potential Stat 4 | C.ATK Boost | – | HP |
Potential Stat 5 | G.ATK Boost | – | – |
Stats | Additional Skill 1 (p3) | Additional Skill 2 (p4) | Additional Skill 3 (p5) |
Potential Stat 1 | Heal Rate | Enhanced Follow-up | Speed |
Potential Stat 2 | S.ATK Boost | High Speed Berserk | ATK |
Potential Stat 3 | R.ATK Boost | Low Speed DMG Free | DEF |
Potential Stat 4 | C.ATK Boost | – | HP |
Potential Stat 5 | G.ATK Boost | – | – |
Stats | Additional Skill 1 (p3) | Additional Skill 2 (p4) | Additional Skill 3 (p5) |
Potential Stat 1 | Drain Rate | Enhanced Unyield | Damage Reflect |
Potential Stat 2 | S.ATK Boost | Enemy Unyield Reduction | ATK |
Potential Stat 3 | R.ATK Boost | Replication Effect | DEF |
Potential Stat 4 | C.ATK Boost | – | HP |
Potential Stat 5 | G.ATK Boost | – | – |