
UR DSK (Grappler/Monster) [Demon]

Basic: Deals 120% ATK to a single target
Ultimate: Deals damage to all enemies for 800% ATK, including number of targets x 250% ATK of [Specialized Charge] (Can be Crit). Remove the [Specialized Fear] energy from the enemy team

Passive: Obtains 60% Non-Crit DMG Free and 100% [Injury Boost]
[Non-Crit DMG Free]: reduce all types of Non-Crit DMG, cannot co-exist with [Agility]
[Injury Boost]: Increase [Injury/Internal Injury/Charge] DMG

Awaken Passive: When battle begins, [Encourage] the allies. Grants [Specialized DMG Reflect] to all allies for the entire battle. Increase Hit by 50%.

[Encourage]: At the start of each round, gains 2 energy, for 3 rounds.
[Specialized DMG Reflect]: Reduce Direct DMG and Extra DMG by 40%, reflects 40% of the original DMG back to the attacker.

ATK 800% > 1000%
Number of targets multiplier 250% > 325%

Extreme Passive:
Non-Crit DMG FREE 60% > 70%

5P Passive:
Non-Crit DMG FREE 70% > 80%

Awakened 2:
Increase Hit 50% > 70%
Gain Energy 2x > 3x
For 3 rounds > 5 rounds
Reduce Direct/Extra DMG by 40% > 70%
DMG Reflect 40% > 70%

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