Upgraded Child Emperor

DISCLAIMER: This guide is more for F2P players with limited BTs. Going forward, I will give insights on why the unit is good or bad, so that you can make your own informed decision. Due to everyone’s own unique line-up, BT count, situation, new units and constantly changing meta, the choice is yours to make!

  • All the UR/SSR+s are strong in their own way. It’s a matter of which one you have to prioritize as an F2P
  • UR/SSR+ pull Guide here!
  • As an F2P, it is too expensive to Awaken Passive 2 any SSR+/UR, I would recommend you pull multiple good SSR+/UR units than to AWK2 one SSR+/UR. However, it depends on your situation and if a particular unit is very good, so if you want to please go ahead. Do note you can continue doing so on the comeback banner if not enough BT (although not as ideal).

UR Child Emperor (Hi-Tech/Hero) [Class S2]

Basic: Deals 120% ATK to a single target
Ultimate: (No energy consumed). Deals damage to enemies in a row with 3 consecutive strikes for 900% ATK, grants 30% Block Rate to all allies for 2 rounds.

Passive: Obtains 60% Non-Crit DMG Free. When any ally triggers [Block], obtains 25% Max HP of [Tenacity], can trigger 4 times.
[Non-Crit DMG Free]: reduce all types of Non-Crit DMG, cannot co-exist with [Agility]

Awakened Basic Core: (1 Duelist, 1 Grappler, 1 Hi-tech)
Gain 3 energy per round.

Awakened Advanced Core: (1 of each)
Permanently grants all allies [Specialized Resilience]. Before battle begins, all allies receive 150% Max HP of [Tenacity] (Not affected by Shield Rate). At the start, remove any Arena DMG boost and free effects from the enemies.
[Specialized Resilience]: Absorbs all types of DMG, accumulates up to 5x Max HP [Tenacity], every 1 point of [Shield] can absorbs 10 DMG, and Tenacity can recharge it.

Level 4: 180% Max HP of [Tenacity], 11 DMG per [Shield] point
Level 10: 210% Max HP of [Tenacity], 12 DMG per [Shield] point
Level 17: 250% Max HP of [Tenacity], 13 DMG per [Shield] point

ATK 900% > 1200%
Block Rate 30% > 40%
Grants 40% Block to all allies for 2 rounds.

Extreme Passive:
Non-Crit DMG Free 60% > 70%
Max HP% 25% > 30%

5P Passive:
Non-Crit DMG Free 70% > 80%
Max HP% 30% > 35%

Awakened Core 2:
When any ally triggers [Block], grants 1 energy per round. Increase 20% of all DMG types for all allies for 2 rounds.

SO WHY UR Child Emperor?

Let’s talk about his mechanics and what’s good/bad. Basically, it’s just a thicker version of Bomb core shields, but with more stuff. This core revolves around Blocking and Tenacity. At the bottom of the purple shields, you will see a number, example x1. This represents the % of HP shields there is, so x1 meaning 100%, x2 will be 200% etc. And since every 1 shield point can absorb 10 damage, you can consider it as 10x the maximum HP per “x1”. So x3 is 30x max HP of damage absorption.

The problem with Block is that is only reduces Normal Damage, not other stuff like DoT or Extra dmg etc. However, since we only need our units to just trigger block to gain Tenacity (which restores the Specialized Resilience), the stat that is important is Block RATE, not Block.

Block RATE is the chance to block an attack, while Block is just how much damage will be reduced when Blocking.

Next, although the initial 150% Max HP Tenacity at the start is not affected by Shield Rate, but the Tenacity that can recharge it is. Basically, when we get normal Tenacity, this recharges our purple shields back up (to a max of 5x Max HP). So for example if normal TTM does an ult giving 20% Tenacity, and if we have Alloy+ in our team giving Shield Rate +70%, this means that the 20% x 1.7 = 34% Tenacity instead, and will help to recharge our shields faster.

Do note that the purple shields are NOT counted as Tenacity/Resilience, so Lightning Genji attack buff does NOT work.

Another interesting point is that even after UR CE dies, the core effect still exists and allies still can continue to block and recharge shields.

Now that we know how it works, we should we do?

  • Use allies with +Shield Rate, gives Tenacity to recharge shields, or add block rate
    • Alloy+75% shields at 5P!
    • Melz+ +50% shields and also Reborn effect
    • Tank Top Vegan as the budget option +70% shields at 5P
    • Gouketsu +70% shields at the start for 2 rounds in cross shape
    • Amai+ +30% shields at the start
    • TTM with KS gives 30% Tenacity
    • Bang (Silverfang) grants +30% block rate + 7% Tenacity when blocked
    • Hellfire grants Tenacity to his column at the beginning of each round (20%)
  • Since shields are based on max HP, you can also use +Max HP units as alternatives
    • WDM +25% HP for column
  • Emblems
    • Use Undying Emblem for more free Tenacity. Remember to Ascend it to Ultimate
    • Ensure your Eternal Heart is also fully upgraded, there is a lot of Block Rate buffs there
  • For talents, offensively you can use Piercing Sigil to reduce the chance of attack from being blocked. Defensively probably still Vitality so we can get more shields (based on Max HP). Bastion also works fine.
  • Buff gear – for tanks in the CE lineup, you will want to swap to Block Rate x3 now
  • If you have damage sharing allies (like MG mosquitoes or Gouketsu), then that will also help to spread the damage across the shields
  • Try to make UR CE move first (put SPD on him or use with Speedster), so that he can ult and provide +Block Rate to all allies ASAP
  • Upgrade the Core Level asap as it buffs the core by A LOT
    • Level 4: 180% Max HP of [Tenacity], 11 DMG per [Shield] point
    • Level 10: 210% Max HP of [Tenacity], 12 DMG per [Shield] point
    • Level 17: 250% Max HP of [Tenacity], 13 DMG per [Shield] point


As always, it is not recommended to skip core units. Get it if you can.


Ironically, KS is not really recommended since the +40% block doesn’t do much (as explained it only applies to normal base damage). Of course the extra +10% block rate is good, and the option to 5P, but for F2P is really not needed. Better to save your resources for UR DK. For whales/PVP competitive, you definitely want the KS and 5P.

Check out the SSR+ guide here!

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