DISCLAIMER: This guide is more for F2P players with limited BTs. Going forward, I will give insights on why the unit is good or bad, so that you can make your own informed decision. Due to everyone’s own unique line-up, BT count, situation, new units and constantly changing meta, the choice is yours to make!

  • All the UR/SSR+s are strong in their own way. It’s a matter of which one you have to prioritize as an F2P
  • UR/SSR+ pull Guide here!
  • As an F2P, it is too expensive to Awaken Passive 2 any SSR+/UR, I would recommend you pull multiple good SSR+/UR units than to AWK2 one SSR+/UR. However, it depends on your situation and if a particular unit is very good, so if you want to please go ahead. Do note you can continue doing so on the comeback banner if not enough BT (although not as ideal).

UR Zombieman (Duelist/Hero) [Class S2]

Basic: Deals 120% ATK to a single target
Ultimate: (No energy consumed) Deals damage to enemies in a row with 3 consecutive strikes for 450% ATK, permanently grants [Specialized Acceleration] to the allies in the same row. Inflict [Specialized Fear] on the entire enemy team, lasts for 1 round.
[Specialized Acceleration]: Increase allies’ speed up to 94% of ZBM speed, only when ally’s SPD is lower than expected
[Specialized Fear]: Seal 3 energy (overlap [Fear], does not take effect on the enemy that has been inflicted [Fear]), seal 1 more energy when enemy launches [Ultimate], up to 3 times per round per enemy character

Passive: Self gain 60% [Evasion]. When you receive fatal damage, triggers [Reborn].

[Evasion]: Direct DMG, Ex. DMG, Charge DMG, and Berserk DMG only deal 1 point of DMG.
[Reborn]: When allies are present, recover 60% HP before your next action, up to 3 times.

Awaken Passive: Gain [Specialized Speed Up] at the start of battle. Before attacking an enemy, surrounding allies trigger [Specialized Evolution] 1 time on the main target (Each character can only trigger this once per turn).
[Specialized Speed Up]: Increases own SPD by 32%.
[Specialized Evolution]: Immediately cancels the target’s Unyielding-type damage immunity state, while also increasing ATK by 20% until end of this round of attacks.

Ult ATK 450% > 600%
Specialized Acceleration 92% > 96%
Specialized Fear energy seal 3 > 4
Specialized Fear enemy consume additional energy 1 > 2

Extreme Passive:
Evasion 60% > 70%
Regeneration HP 60% > 80%

5P Passive:
Evasion 70% > 80%
Regeneration 3x per battle > 4x

Awakened 2:
Specialized Acceleration 32% > 40%
Surrounding allies > ALL allies
Attack power increase 20% > 30%

SO WHY UR Zombieman?


  • Very strong support and utility hero
    • Team Speedster
    • Energy seal for enemy team
    • Surrounding allies can trigger Specialized Breakthrough
    • Attack power increase for surrounding allies
  • Ultimate is free


  • Speed gear is always expensive to obtain and level if you want your ZBM to go first
  • Need to save BT for upcoming units
  • Not the most useful for PVE and PVB, more of a PVP unit (the Attack power boost is nice but for F2P better to focus on pure DPS units)


It is one of those situations where this unit is not bad, it’s just that there are BETTER upcoming units, like DSK, Fubuki and Drive Knight. So if you have plenty of spare BT and want to be competitive, ZBM is a good addition to your team.

All the whales will probably get this though because of the Attack Power boost via his Awaken passive. If you’re intending to get ZBM, it is highly recommended to A2 him for the 30% Attack boost.


KS not super important, skippable.

Check out the SSR+ guide here!

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