Credits to Mikha for certain info (AOE ult numbers and line-ups)
TLDR of this game mode:
- Fight boss
- Get reward and pearls
- Exchange pearls for items
Available on Mon, Wed and Fri, 1200-2200hrs. You get a different boss each day.
Doesn’t cost stamina/vit, can hit 3x a day.
It is a cross-server boss, but unsure of how many servers will be clustered together at this point.
Mons: Junior Centipede
Weds: Senior Centipede
Fris: Elder Centipede

Similar to club boss, try to survive and deal the most damage that you can.
Do the scan before fighting to get some extra buffs.
After 4 rounds, he will move from 1st form to 2nd form.
And after another 4 rounds, he will move to 3rd form.
Elder Centipede (Friday)
1st form AOE Ult – 600k
2nd form AOE Ult – 800k
3rd form 20% reflect AOE Dmg + AOE Ult 900k
Basic requirements for Friday’s world boss: TTM 1.5m HP, front row 1m HP. Finish all your ex dmg res memories and equip ex dmg res sigils to help to tank 3rd form.
Alternate the SPD order so you won’t die from reflect dmg e.g. TTM ult, Garou basic, Amai ult, ZM ult, CK basic BK basic
LINE-UPS (For Friday boss)
1st and 2nd Form:
Backline | Frontline |
AM | CK/Genus |
TTM/Genus | ZBM |
BK | Garou/Genus |
3rd Form:
Backline | Frontline |
TTM | CK/Genus |
Garou/Gouketsu/Genus | ZBM |
BK | AM |
If you don’t have ZBM it will be hard to survive without the heals and revives. You can try going for a heal build with MG and Melzargard, or use Alloy to help tank the damage. Do try to pull for ZBM in the Feb comeback if you don’t have him.
1st and 2nd Form:
Backline | Frontline |
Boros | Groribas/Genus |
CE | ZBM |
AM/Garou | King |
3rd Form:
Backline | Frontline |
Boros | MK/Garou |
CE | ZBM |
AM/Genus | King |
Backline | Frontline |
Boros | CK |
Garou | ZBM |
AM | King |
You get pearls which you can exchange for rewards, and the pearls themselves have 3 tiers – Bronze, Silver and Gold.
The store refreshes weekly so feel free to save up pearls for when you actually need to buy something (eg red medals/qualifications for evolution).
Recommended buys:
Awaken materials (DISK) (you can buy as and when you need)
Red medals (you can buy as and when you need)
Gold (you can buy as and when you need)
Grappler badges
Red qualifications(you can buy as and when you need)
Definitely get the SAC as the weekly limit is only 1
After that, grab orange club gear shards
Check out the gameplay in the videos below.