1 – 11 Sep
huh we just had this in April this year! they running out of event ideas..
Pretty simple event with great rewards!
- Clear stages in City Adventure with VIT to get Cards and Clues
- Cards: Claim rewards in Travel Plan as you accumulate Cards
- Clues: Used at Adventure Request – Activate 3x Boss Info to unlock Boss Challenge. Clear Boss to get Coins
- Coins: Spend at Flea Market for great prizes!
- Remember to do your Daily and Event quests at Adventure Booklet!
City Adventure

Only 9 stages here, including 3 bosses. The rewards are Cards and Clues
Normal stages cost 10 VIT, Boss stages cost 12 VIT.
You can sweep the stages after clearing it once.
Sweep normal – 3 cards, 3 clues
Sweep boss – 5+ cards, 5+ clues
Sweep boss stages but remember to also sweep according to the quests you get (eg Clear DSK 30x)
Flea Market

Spend your coins here which you get from the boss challenge as well as from quests. Plenty of great rewards here so get whatever you need! (The BT/BS are in the Travel Plan rewards section)
Priority List
Recommended to get!
- Clarification Pen!! This is needed for your red buff clarification, and is super rare. Get this first!
- Superb Voucher
- Refinement Card
- Dragon Badge
- Emblem Supply Token
- Red Sketch Fragments
- Reset locks
- Buff Refinement mats
Get if you can but not a must
- Sigil Chest V – the reason I put this here is because it’s random, so you might get a crappy sigil. If you have spare coins definitely give it a shot!
- Orange gear shards
- Reversion card if you need
Travel Plan

As you clear stages and get more travel cards, you just need to claim your rewards here, easy!
Notable Rewards:
- 25 – BS
- 50 – BS
- 180 – Figurine Base
- 350 – Omnishard
- 450 – BT
- 800 – Omnishard
- 900 – Superb Voucher
- 1000 – BT
- 1500 – Eyesight Character
Adventure Request

Use the clues that you get from clearing stages to activate the Boss info x3 to unlock boss challenge.
Need a total of 100 clues (20 + 30 + 50) to unlock.
Defeat the boss to get coins! Once defeated it will cycle to a new boss.
Advised to clear it only once a day so you can do the daily quest. Save up extra clues and clear all on the last day.
Line-up just use your PVB line-up.
Adventure Booklet

Daily quests include:
- Purchase Vit x2 today
- Clear any stage 10x today
- Claim Adventure Request prize x1 << Remember to save up and do it once per day for quest, and clear all on last day.
Event quests include:
- Daily login
- Claim Adventure Request Prize X times
- Challenge DSK stage 30x (I assume it will cycle to other bosses as well after completing this)
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