- Clear trials to get materials (Exploration > Train > Mastery Trial)
- Use materials at character page
Getting Materials

To get here, go to Exploration > Train > Mastery Trial.
You will see 2 types of trials, Faction and Type.
Everyday you get free 5 Faction Trial challenges. Simply use them to clear, and you have a chance to drop the Type Trial challenge. You can use gems to buy more if you want to power grind.
Max limit for the challenges are:
- Faction – 5
- Type – 10
The trials are similar to Expedition Training, where the units you can use will be of that type. For example Hero trials you can only use all heroes. Or Duelist Type Trial you can only use Duelists.
You should clear the trials based on what units you are levelling up the mastery to get the correct materials.
Leveling your Mastery

At the character page, you can click Mastery to access the menu.
Here there are 3 types of mastery, Faction (Hero/Monster/Outlaw), Type (Grappler/Duelist/Esper/Hi-Tech) and Level (S Class/Dragon/Demon/Martial Artist etc).
When activating, you get upgrades to stats, plus some mastery effects. After activating you can continue to level up until it’s Tier 2/3.
There are certain requirements to maintain the mastery, as you can see in the lines below your character in the blue box. For the support character, there doesn’t seem to be a difference in using higher lvled ones, so you can just throw any character there, even SR.
Do note that the mastery DO NOT carry over to units of the same type, and it’s only for the individual unit that you activated for.
My suggestion would be to activate the Tier1 of all 3 masteries for the main DPS you use, and also for a tank. Just so you can get the mastery effects first. From there you can decide to open masteries on other units, or just continue pumping the same unit to Tier 2/3.
Also, there are higher requirements for Tier2/3 so things will get progressively difficult over time.
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