Happy Chinese New Year to all!
Jan 22 – Feb 11 (Shop opens till 13)
- Send out teams on Harvest on the Horizon, set alarm for every 3hours
- Defeat/sweep boss at Scarecrow Challenge
- Club Chief / Deputy only – Register club in Strongest Club League and assign setup
- Complete Quests
- Light lanterns in Blessed Sky Lanterns (earn 10K points to get free UR G4)
- Exchange rewards in shop
- Optional: invite or be invited to watch lanterns lighting / grab red packets
Blessed Sky Lanterns

Let’s talk about the main highlight of the event first. Free UR G4. Yes you heard it right!! Fortunately SEA devs have been good to use this year and did not change the rewards from the CN event.
At progress 10K points, you get a free UR G4. If I’m not wrong (and if it’s the same as UR Sonic in HBU), this will be automatically combined once you claim it, so no you can’t save the 4 evolution stones for something else. And even if you already have G4, you will still get a monster UR Evolution stone so not too bad.

So how to do? It’s similar to that fireworks event where you can invite up to 4 ppl to set off the lanterns. (Limit is 10x a day).
There’s the normal sky lantern which gives 20 points. And there’s the Blessed sky lantern which gives 100 points, and also invited viewers will get 10 points. After lightning, it sends a red packet to all players on the server. These red packets do not contain lanterns or give points, but just rewards like gems and materials (at least for me). (Limit to grab 10x a day). Grab them fast!
Since the event is 20 days long, to get G4 you just need 10K/20days = 500 points daily. I would recommend doing more, maybe 600-700 daily as a buffer in case you miss a day due to RL or something.

How to get more lanterns?
- Daily Reward from Club League (5 normal for participation, 1 blessed for daily winner)
- Scarecrow Battle Challenge
- Harvest on the Horizon
- Quests Rewards
- Packs daily free claim / buy with money
- You can buy 2 Blessed Lanterns (500 rice each) from the shop (Rice Memorial tab)
- You can buy 500 normal lanterns (50 gems each) from the shop (Sky Lantern tab)
- You can buy 1 Blessed Lantern (20 funds) from the shop (Sky Lantern tab)
For F2Ps, the easiest way is making sure you’re doing all the events, especially the Harvest one (see more info below), joining your clubmates lantern lighting, etc. And then buy the rest that you need with gems.
The G4 is a guaranteed pull as long as you have enough gems. You can buy 500 lanterns for 50 gems each which is 10K points for 25K gems. Obviously you won’t need to buy all 500 if you do the event, but basically this is not about luck, you can surely get it. So if you don’t have much gems, try to cut down on other things now (like extra extreme training etc).
Harvest on the Horizon

The next thing you want to do asap is sending off teams to explore in the Harvest on the Horizon. Simply just click explore, quick deploy and send! You don’t really have to do anything else really.
The expeditions are on a 3-hour rotation, so to get the maximum rewards, you need to set an alarm for every 3hours to ensure you send off the next team immediately. Each send uses quite a lot of VIT (45 i think!), so you may need to buy more vit if you want to keep doing every 3 hours as well.
You do get a chance to receive a normal lantern, so highly advised to do as many.

Strongest Club League

For this part, you don’t have to do anything. Unless you’re the club chief / deputy. If you are, then you are responsible for registering on behalf of the entire club.
22-23 Jan: Registration Peroid
23 Jan – 6 Feb: Preliminaries Period
- Opponents are matched daily at 5AM
- Each member can only participate in one battlefield. Again, it’s where your chief puts you.
- 3 Battlefields
- Leader Battle – 1v1 format (1 member must be sent, winners +30 pts)
- Elite Battle – Best of 5 format, i.e. first to win 3 rounds (1 member must be sent, winners +35 pts)
- Dauntless Battle – Round-Robin format. Both sides’ members fighting in order, losers are eliminated while winners move to the back of the line for their next match (At least 12 members must be sent, winners +40 pts)
- Members who participate in multiple battles will have a decrease in their BP to be fair, and after 6 consecutive wins, they are out. This prevents whales from dominating, so you can’t just rely on your club’s top members.
- Top 32 clubs with highest scores will advance to finals
6-11 Feb: Finals Period
- Same as above
- You can cheer for your favourite club and receive cheer sticks
Remember to register (or bug your chief to register) because the rewards are amazing! Daily G4 shards/lanterns, as well as G4 KS if you’re in the top 32 clubs at the end.

Scarecrow Battle

This is your typical boss fight challenge but with certain conditions.
Deploy 3 units. Because of this, the core is an issue. The core I used was ZBM since you can get 5 energy right at the start (with Undying shield emblem), and do a basic attack for injury gets you another 2 energy to 7. My setup was ZBM, Alloy+ and UR Suiryu.
Deploy 4 units. You have more options now for core. I used Boros core / UR KING / UR Flashy / UR Suiryu
If you are facing trouble surviving, you can try Geryu core with 2 esper 2 grapplers.
Geryu / KING or MG or Groribas / Suiryu / Alloy+ or DSK or any grappler DPS like UR Gale Wind
Use your usual 6 units line-up. To be honest it’s not hard at all and the enemy’s speed is low so you will most likely move first.
For Difficult kills, you will receive 170 stalks and 2 lanterns.
You may spend gems to buy more challenge tickets, up to a max of 10. Starts at 100 gems, and increases the more you buy. (150, 200, etc)
There is also the hire / employ system, where if you need to borrow your club’s units (or if you wish to lend them out), you can do so. This is a great way to get more gems if you have more than 1 account. Simply lend out units on your main acc, and use your secondary account to hire them, effectively transferring 20 gems per unit to your main account.

As usual, try to complete most quests, they give a lot of lantern rewards.
There’s also an additional quest section under the Blessed Sky Lanterns so don’t forget about those too! There’s a fund top-up quest there.

We’re all veterans by now so you should know what to buy 😛
For those aiming G4, you will need to buy lots of lanterns. Other than that, the usual must buys are BTs, SACs, Refinement card and the Monster Evo stone. Sigil box is good because you can choose. Reset locks and tickets are great if you have spare currencies. Collectors can buy their cosmetics.
One interesting thing to note is you can buy rice yield and stalks with gems at the Sky Lantern tab.

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