UR Mosquito Girl

DISCLAIMER: This guide is more for F2P players with limited BTs. Going forward, I will give insights on why the unit is good or bad, so that you can make your own informed decision. Due to everyone’s own unique line-up, BT count, situation, new units and constantly changing meta, I will NOT be advising on pulling or not.

  • All the SSR+s are strong in their own way. It’s a matter of which one you have to prioritize as an F2P
  • The good news is that, it’s pretty much exactly the same as SSR+. It’s still using 4 Evo stones and 1 Awakening stone, and still requires BT to pull. The only change is that now we need the UR evo stones (red color) instead of the orange ones we have. Hence you have to use up all your SSR+ stones. There is an option to convert 2 SSR+ Stones into 1 UR stone, but at this time I’m not sure if that’s a one-time thing during the UR event, or you can exchange anytime. Guide here!
  • As an F2P, it is too expensive to Awaken Passive 2 any SSR+/UR, I would recommend you pull multiple good SSR+/UR units than to AWK2 one SSR+/UR. However, it depends on your situation and if a particular unit is very good, so if you want to please go ahead. Do note you can continue doing so on the comeback banner if not enough BT (although not as ideal).

UR Mosquito Girl (Esper/Monster) [Demon]

Basic: Deals 120% ATK to a single target
Ultimate: Increase your 50% instant Dmg Accuracy, deals damage to enemies in a column with 2 consecutive strikes for 3000% ATK, distributed evenly among all targets. Triggers [Specialized Evolution] 1 time (before attacking)
[Specialized Evolution]: Immediately cancels the target’s Unyielding-type damage immunity state, while also increasing ATK by 20% until the end of this round of attacks.

Passive: Obtains 60% Non-Crit DMG Free. When any character acts, remove [Stun/Specialized Stun/Silence] from 1 ally
[Non-Crit DMG Free]: reduce all types of Non-Crit DMG, cannot co-exist with [Agility]

Awaken Passive: When battle begins, summons 10 mosquitoes to assist in battle, each mosquito inherits Mosquito Girl’s 800% ATK as HP. Mosquitoes shares 80% all types of DMG (except Emblem DMG) with the entire team, reducing 80% DMG taken, and are immune to dispelling.

Accuracy 50% > 65%
DMG 3000% > 4000%
S.Evolution 1x > 2x
S.Evolution ATK increase 20% > 40%

Extreme Passive:
Non-Crit DMG FREE 60% > 70%
Remove Stun/S.Stun/Silence from 1 ally > 2

5P Passive:
Non-Crit DMG FREE 70% > 80%
Remove Stun/S.Stun/Silence from 2 allies > 3

Awakened 2:
Mosquito summons HP inherit ATK 800% > 1000%
Grants the entire enemy team 40% Detonation DMG Free, and 40% DoT DMG Free

SO WHY UR Mosquito Girl?


  • Strong DPS especially for single target
  • Also doubles as a support by removing Stun/Silence from allies, as well as share damage for the entire team, and cancelling of enemy’s Unyielding via Specialized Evolution
  • Another Monster side DPS (recently most of the DPS are hero side), so you can consider if your monster side is weak
  • Good substitute for Esper side (replaces KING) since KING is countered now by FF
  • Great for PVP, PVE and PVB


  • Will be expensive to gear up to see maximum damage potential
  • Need to save BT for upcoming CE core and other units like DSK


UR MG is the next big DPS for monster side, since the last main DPS which was G4. Sure if you can spare the BTs, I think she is a great addition to your team. But whether you have enough time to Extreme Challenge all your team (Assuming you took some previous meta units like UR FF), and enough gear is something you need to consider.


If going for max DPS then yes.

Check out the SSR+ guide here!

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