hyper concert

1 – 11 Oct 5 Am


  • Clear stages with vit – Sweep Hard stages
  • Challenge Boss
  • Complete quests
  • Gacha your coins at the Hyper Bar

If you are doing backup stick make sure you allocate some vit to complete those quests too. Use Saitama Intel if required for this event.

Soundwave Invasion (stages)

The usual spend vit to clear stages – main drops are tickets and coins.

There’s only 1 chapter and 2 modes of difficulties for each – Normal and Hard. Do Hard last stage for the sweeps.

  • Normal – (10 vit each)
  • Hard (12 vit)

Use microphones for bonus drops.

You can unlock sweep mode once you achieve perfect clearance (must clear on 100% auto and don’t touch the skills at all).

Idol Rhythm (boss)

Boss fight, pretty self-explanatory.

Deploy 2 teams:
-First team to counter the boss’s weakness at the bottom left

I used –
Fukegao, Linlin, Fubuki, Bomb, Amai, any duelist (you can use ZBM but I use him at final boss for injury dmg)

-Second team to kill boss
Use your usual club boss line-up should be fine! Remember to put ZBM or something hardy at the back since boss Amai will ult to backline

Idol’s Gift

Easy, just consume vit, doesn’t have to be in the event (NCC, Talents etc count). Definitely try to get all the rewards if possible, just buy 2x vit per day and you should be good! Use Saitama’s Intel if needed.

Hyper Bar

This is where you gacha your coins.

There’s a magic gear in each tier except T5, so try to get those. And definitely aim for the usual, SAC, ascend tix, Sigil Chest V etc. This part is all luck anyway on whether you move on to the next tier, so nothing you can control.


There’s 2 tabs of quests – Event and Daily!

Nothing much to talk about here, your standard quests, definitely aim to finish them for extra goodies. Remember to not mass make drinks on the first day, but only do 10 per day to complete quest. You can finish it on the last day.

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By Nemi

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