Garou: SHOULD YOU PULL? (Dec 2020)
GAROU IS COMING! Find out all about his skills and abilities, and what makes him so powerful!
Live Clash Guide
Ever wondered why you can't go above 5 wins in live clash? Here's what YOU need to know to get…
Puzzle Pandemonium (Nov 2020)
Nothing to be excited about, but the question is... IS THAT A GAROU HINT FOR NEXT MONTH?
Geryuganshoop Rate-Up (Nov 2020)
Nov SSR Rate-Up is announced and it’s Geryu for whatever reason. Not exactly sure why they picked him, I doubt…
KING: SHOULD YOU PULL? (Comeback Nov 2020)
Hey guys! KING’s comeback is confirmed, and this post is going to be talking around that context, not the very…
Mall & Resources Guide
We may all have different rosters and different character pulls, but one thing is common is that we all have…
Institute of Genetics
Credits: Icrine, Idris, Mikha (Club SG Discord) and myself lol Basics of Institute Before we get on to the details,…