
UR Atomic Samurai (Duelist/Hero) [Class S2]

Basic: Deals 120% ATK to a single target, 100% chance to cause target to [Collapse] for 2 rounds (decrease DMG Free by 20%)
Ultimate: Attacks all enemies with 5 consecutive strikes, dealing DMG by 350% ATK, last strike has 100% chance to cause the main target [Specialized Collapse] for 2 rounds (decrease DMG Rate by 10%, deals 200% ATK of [Collapse] DMG when attacked, stacks up to 3 times, does not stack with [Collapse])

Passive: Grants himself 50% Non-Crit DMG Free (effective for all types of DMG, cannot co-exist with [Agility]), lasts for 4 (5) rounds. After receiving fatal DMG, revives with 50% (100%) Max HP.

Awaken Passive: When battle begins, decrease all enemies ATK by 30%, obtains 20% Drain Rate, lasts for 2 rounds. Before any character acts, launches [Ultimate Follow-up] (60% DMG and 100% effect), once per round.

ATK 350% > 450%
Decrease DMG rate 10% > 15%
Specialized Collapse dmg 200% > 250%

Extreme Passive:
Non-CRIT DMG Free 50% > 60%
Revive 1x > 2x

5P Passive:
Non-CRIT DMG Free lasts for 4 rounds > 5 rounds
Revive HP 50% > 100%

Awakened 2:
Decrease enemies ATK 30% > 40%
Obtains 20% Collapse Rate
Drain Rate 20% > 30%
Follow-up DMG 60% > 100%

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