spring guide booklet 2023

18 – 29 Jan 2023

TLDR: Enjoy the activities, do all the events and quests, level up and get SSR Fubuki Costume! Last year we got her SSR as the reward itself. (see here for last year guide)


Different sections of the event will open over time, you just need to play or claim most of it (eg login bonuses) to fulfil the Spring Joy badge which you require 8 if you want to get Fubuki’s Pageant Queen costume. Though I’m not sure how F2Ps are going to do for the Awaken wheel.

Alternatively if you’re a whale and you’re lazy to do all these, you can purchase with funds (1 fund per 1 booklet XP)

1. CNY Gift 1

Just claim and enjoy, easy.

2. CNY Festival Event

The main ‘event’ to do stuff.

CNY Talent Show

Basically just a bossing challenge. Deal your highest damage you can for rewards. As you can see below, the ranking cross-server so all the whales are at it.

Shouldn’t be too hard, most likely your best lineup will be the same as your club challenge lineup.

For Day1 users, you can experiment with ZBM core for max ult (more than 6 energy after 2nd round), or Bomb core with Genji for ATK boost, if your lineup doesn’t have survival issues.

Dice Duel

This is actually a pretty fun game once you get the hang of it.

I’ll try to explain as simple as possible

  • Most points win – based on the total number from your dice
  • If you put same numbers in a row, it will double the score
  • If you put a same number in the enemy’s row, it will remove ALL their dice of that number (eg if enemy has three 6s in a row and you put a 6, it will remove all of his)
  • Who starts first is random
  • Any player who fills the grid first will end the game and will tally the score


  • Try to put your high numbers at a row where enemy has low numbers. Even better, put it at their full row so they can’t remove your sets
  • For enemy rows with high numbers, especially in a set, try to leave a slot in your row to remove their dice when you finally get that number. Even if you can make a low set like two 3s, it’s better to leave a slot for counter instead of locking both sides in for a lower score on your side
  • If you get low shit numbers like 1 or 2, and the enemy has those numbers, do not remove them if possible, as you’re only opening up more slots for them to put in higher numbers
  • If you know you’re in the lead, try to mix and match (don’t use sets) to fill up the grid as fast as possible to end the game, so that the enemy can’t remove multiple dice at once
  • Last of all, remember it’s purely luck based.
  • Recommended to try out the game in the trial mode first

Each duel costs 35 VIT. No matter the outcome you’ll always get 1 CNY rabbit card so that’s the most important.

Winner – 1 Firework + 12 Mini Firework
Loser – 1 Firework + 4 Mini Firework

Lucky Rabbit Adventure

Unlock each picture with the cards that you get from the Dice Duel.

A total of 70 cards is needed to open all. (9+9+9+9+17+17).

The rewards are the equivalent of the usual main event rewards such as BT, BS and frames, so you definitely want to get all of them.

Fortunately for us, it’s not that hard to obtain them since each Dice Duel gives a card. Since we need 70 cards, this will only cost us 70x35VIT = 2450VIT. BS is at the last stage so recommended to do all the way.

Once you unlock a picture, click it and it will bring you somewhere else to find the rabbit. Just walk around until you see it and click on it to get the rewards.

Notable rewards:

  • Open 1 – Rabbit Avatar Frame, SAC 1x
  • Open 2 – BS 2x
  • Open 3 – Orange gear shards 10x, Figurine base III 1x
  • Open 4 – Rabbit Character Frame, Reversion Card 1x
  • Open 5 – Omnichest 3x
  • Open 6 – BT 2x, Orange gear shards 10x

Fireworks Show

Set off mini-fireworks and firework bombs to get high score!

For mini, set off more in a go to achieve better effects. (looks like at 10, 20, 30, 50, etc). This is at the bottom of the screen.

To set off firework bombs, click the Advance at the top right where you will enter a room to set off.

You can also join others and watch fireworks to get score, but apparently there seems to be an issue with inviting and joining at the moment.

You can join others for a max of 10x daily, so that’s free 100 points.

You can get Fireworks from the dice duel and the boss challenge, and also buy from the Mall.

This event has great progression rewards, unfortunately it’s going to be super expensive to do. For context, the mini fireworks give 10 points each, and the firework give 25 each. For math sake, let’s say if you buy 300 mini daily (for 3000gems) over 12 days, that will give you a score of 3000ptsx12=36000, enough to hit the second last tier, and you should have more than enough score from the rest of the event rewards. But this will cost you 36000 gems!

For F2Ps, obviously you won’t be able to hit, so just set a goal based on your needs and aim for it. Personally I think hitting 14k for the 2 SACs is good enough!

There’s also a score ladder ranking with rewards, but only for top 200, so F2Ps can ignore 😀

There’s also additional quest rewards for you to claim daily. Recommended to set off at least 400 points worth to get free DSK shards! This is free 12 shards over 12 days!

Tour List

Lastly let’s not forget about the quests in this section. Always try to finish all the quests, especially the daily ones in order to maximise your rewards.

3. Crystal Wishing (opens 20)

It’s a whale thing so F2Ps can just claim the first free reward. Fortunately for the spring booklet, all you need to do is just click the event (in the spring booklet menu) and you’ll still get the badges without needing to spend anything here.

4. CNY Post

Copy and paste the below in world chat to get rewards. (case sensitive so capital letters matter)

21 Jan

  • The rabbit welcomes spring, giving good luck to everyone
  • Good luck in the Year of the Rabbit
  • In the Year of the Rabbit, good health for everyone
  • In the Year of the Rabbit, happiness lasts forever
  • The Golden Rabbit celebrates a happy New Year

22 Jan

  • The Golden Rabbit brings five bless to your door
  • Happy Year of the Rabbit. Leave your worries behind
  • Get rich in the Year of the Rabbit
  • The year is always new, and beauty is always there
  • The tiger bids farewell, and the rabbit leaps into the New Year

23 Jan

  • Harmony makes spring beauty, as the new year becomes better than the previous
  • High skies and wide earth, everything is wonderful
  • Wish you lucky draws in the new year
  • A new year full of new chances
  • Good Luck in the Year of the Rabbit

24 Jan

  • Eat more. Stay positive and look forward
  • Happy family and friends, free from worry and full of happiness
  • Many years without troubles or worries
  • Peace and prosperity. Good luck and success
  • The days are prosperous and a happy Chinese New Year

25 Jan

  • May the new year be happier than the previous one
  • All things are happy. All things are good
  • From spring to autumn, everything is wonderful. Mountains are high and waters are long
  • Friends gather together to celebrate the new year
  • Break through the mortal world and return to your youth

26 Jan

  • The sun is shining brightly as the rabbit celebrates the new year
  • Good luck in the Year of the Rabbit cannot be stopped. The Year of the Rabbit brings wealth
  • The golden tiger leaps away as the rabbit welcome a wonderful spring
  • The rabbit welcome in spring

27 Jan

  • Hello, your bad luck is cleansed from you in the new year
  • Please check your new year
  • Red plums welcome the snow while the rabbit comes in spring
  • The sound of the tiger brings good news. The shadow of the rabbit brings spring
  • The Year of the Rabbit bring with it a new year

5. CNY Costume

Old costumes make a return for you to buy, some at a nice discount.

6. Awaken Wheel

This is just the Awaken Wheel Event for SSR+ STK.

If you’re pulling STK+, check out the Awaken Wheel guide here (assuming no changes).

Don’t forget to buy your 12 tickets in mall with gems!

7. New Year Login Reward

Nice free 888 gems daily!

8. Claw Machine (opens 27)

Nothing much just claw machine with CE+ KS. Which is an obvious skip. Please don’t pull that shit.

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By Nemi

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